22 members present. Apologies from G.Smith, A.Evans, R & B Dexter & L.Cooper.

Norman Clyde-Watson in Chair - welcomed Friends to the AGM and the following Reports were presented - copies are held by the Secretary

Chairman's Report.

  • No new major projects had been undertaken, but the group continues to be held in high regard for its work in conservation & maintenance of the Ridge which is now a designated Local Nature Reserve.
  • Norman had also attended, with John Appleton, some 10 meetings with other groups on our behalf, besides many telephone & other contacts.
  • The Committee had 3 meetings in the year.
  • Norman thanked Kevin for the continuing use of the Rosegrower for our meetings.

Working Groups Report

John Appleton highlighted the work undertaken by a rather dwindling number of members.

  • However, hedgerows, brambles, pathways, steps & trees had been tackled, bird boxes cleaned & a hedgehog hibernation area established.
  • Weather had not helped but a wildflower meadow had been most successful.
  • Urgent - Help will be needed to plant bulbs in areas prepared on the ridge by BBC within the next few weeks - John will have details shortly.

Treasurer's Report

Eric Curtis circulated the balance sheet for the year (copy on file).

  • This was accepted & the group remains viable at present.
  • Subscriptions remain at £5.00 per member & are payable now. You can pay at the next meeting or by cheque, made payable to 'Friends of Bramcote Ridge' & passed to Eric.
  • Please pay before the end of January - YOUR SUPPORT IS ESSENTIAL.

Meetings Report

  • Heather Cox reported a good year of speakers on Natural History topics with some old favourites.
  • Full details of forthcoming meetings will appear in the Newsletters, but make a note in your diary for the following:-
  • Next meeting - Social Party - December 3rd_ - see details below.
  • NO meeting in January 2008 .
  • February 4th 2008, Speaker Bill Wheatley - 'Hidden Spain'

Butterfly Report

  • John reported that the poor weather had reduced numbers recorded overall & of specific varieties.
  • The collated report is sent to Notts Wildlife Trust & to British Conservation.
  • Broxtowe BC are still keen to establish an area of heathland, but no firm plans yet.
  • The wildflower area was most successful & would be repeated next year in the Spring. John had taken photographs of the area which were shown to members at the meeting.
  • He also had photographs of 'NatureScape ' who had produced the wildflower seeds used & which will hopefully be visited by members next year.


  • Had worked hard on behalf of members attending numerous meetings with other groups in Notts.
  • Current members had indicated their willingness to re-stand & in the absence of any other nominations, were re-elected.

Other Agenda Items

None raised & no questions asked.

Norman expressed his thanks to members of the Committee - for the minutes, delivery of notices & newsletters, for the publishing of a very professional newsletter & for the varied & interesting host of speakers, visits & walks. Norman expressed his personal thanks to Tim Crawford, Steve Fisher and Chris Riley at Broxtowe BC who continue to support the group & facilitate conservation of the area Green Belt.

A special Thank You was given to John Appleton for his dedication to the group, through his documentation, records, photographs & support at external meetings & visits.

Walter Grauberg, on behalf of members, thanked Norman & the Committee for their work & achievements of the group.

Elizabeth Dalton drew members attention to the OSS (Open Space Society) Web Page, whose aim is to protect & preserve green open space - such as the Ridge. Norman responded that we were aware of the issue, but with 3 potential ownerships involved, protection would be a complicated matter. However, the situation continues to be monitored by interested parties.

The AGM closed at 8:15pm.

After the formalities of the AGM, there was the draw for the Bird Box Raffle. The Bird Box was donated by John Appleton, the Raffle was won by Geoff Ward & a total of £23.50 was raised for group funds.

John then presented a selection of slides illustrating the countryside through the seasons. Taken over a number of years, changes in the local environment, especially building on the old Lowes Nursery site, were significant for the future!

Advance Notice regarding Monday 3rd December Meeting

  • This will be the Xmas Party evening. As usual please bring a small contribution of sweet or savoury food to be shared. In addition, Mary will arrange the 'Raffle' - £1.00 per person (to Ridge Funds) + a small unlabeled gift-wrapped item - value approx £1 - £2.
  • This is always an enjoyable evening with a chance to relax and enjoy the company of 'Friends'.
  • We hope you will join us.

The Committee would like to send all Friends Seasonal Greetings and a successful New Year for 2008

The Friends are always looking for extra pairs of hands to help out or to simply support their work, so...

  • to find out when the next work session will take place, click here, or
  • to find out about becoming a member please contact us here, or
  • to discover what goes into managing the sites click here.

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